Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Student Teacher Visit: Juniata Valley High School

On Monday, March 30, I visited Hannah Harris at Juniata Valley High School. It was the last day of the marking period at Juniata Valley, due to the many snow days that they had. Because of this, Ms. Harris was doing a lot of reviewing with her students.

During first period, Ms. Harris had students review for their quiz. To do this, she had students use their phones with a really awesome app. She posted the app on the screen, which showed review questions. Students then answered the questions on their phones (very similar to clicker questions). She then had students take a short quiz.

During second period, Ms. Harris had a planning period. She showed me the facilities and the ducks. During third period, Ms. Harris reviewed the same content as she did during first period.

Fourth period was pretty exciting, as Ms. Harris taught her class to make butter. It was a really engaging (and tasty!) activity!

Lunch was fifth period, and Ms. Harris took me to the cafeteria because she had lunch duty. This was interesting, as I do not have lunch duty at Mifflinburg.

Finally, sixth period, Ms. Harris began the welding unit. She had students find definitions to welding related words, then had students complete a scavenger hunt, looking for potential hazards.

Overall, it was really interesting watching Hannah teach. It really made me realize that, despite the fact that each of us is "student teaching", we are all having very different experiences. Not only this, but we also each have our own teaching style, which shines through in our lessons and the rapport that we build with our students.

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